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Kelly Murphy speaks with David Rimmer, President, Talon Air



David Rimmer, CAM, FRAeS, is president of Talon Air, a full-service private jet charter company specializing in aircraft charter, maintenance, and management. Serving the greater New York City area from its base at Republic Airport in Farmingdale, New York, Talon Air operates heavy jets, super-mid-size and mid-size models including Gulfstream, Challenger, Falcon and Hawker aircraft.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all segments of aviation. How do you compare this disruptor with other industry devastations like 9-11, SARS, the fuel crisis?

Talon Air President, David Rimmer.They are all so different. 9/11 in 2001 was obviously very sudden and devastating; the fuel crisis was more gradual and about pricing and the ripple affect it had on demand; and the recession of 2008 hurt virtually everyone in the aviation community - but COVID-19 has been unique. We saw it coming from a distance, but nobody anticipated just how far reaching its impact would be and how quickly the world would change. Even if someone wanted to travel, there were so few places to go. And now that demand is returning, the pandemic has re-defined everything we do.

With some states and countries phasing out of stay-at-home restrictions, others taking a set back, what are your insights as to a "return back to normal." What market segments will rebound first?

There is no doubt in my mind that business aviation will rebound first - and it already has. The advantages of flying privately are immensely magnified in the wake of COVID-19. Our passengers fly in tightly controlled environments, in FBOs with relatively few people, in aircraft with limited, spacious seating and surrounded by people they know. The health risks are clearly and demonstrably lower.

Scheduled airlines will struggle for some time (years) to come - their business model is based on filling as many seats as they can as frequently as they can. That's no longer safe or viable for the foreseeable future so hey will have to make major adjustments.

What projects are occupying you today?

I have spent the better part of the past four months preparing our response to COVID-19, establishing protocols that protect our employees and customers and updating them as science and government regulations evolved. We are now focusing on what the new normal will be and how we continue to protect our employees and customers. Along the way, I am assisting with the addition of five new aircraft to our fleet - a G550, a GV, Falcon 2000, Challenger 300 and Hawker 800XP. I’m happy to say we have resumed pilot interviews to staff some of these new aircraft.

You had earlier predicted a pent up demand for private jet charter later this summer. Do you still this developing - domestically, internationally?

The surge in demand that we have been hoping for has begun. Once states began relaxing stay-at-home orders - and that has started happening globally as well–our aircraft owners and charter clients now have an increasing number of destinations to which they feel comfortable traveling. The first wave was domestic, but demand is quickly returning for international destinations as well. I anticipate a very busy summer and expect to see activity returning to pre-pandemic levels soon.

How has your typical workday been affected for you and your team?

Much of our team - myself included - have been working remotely since March, but the transition has been much smoother than I would have anticipated. I'm sure the initial slowdown in demand helped in that transition from the office environment to being at home. But this is a 24/7/365 industry, so most of us are accustomed to being available around the clock, wherever we are.

What do you miss most about this lockdown, and name one positive from it?

I miss so many things. The camaraderie of my co-workers, business and leisure travel, spending time with friends and family, and peace of mind about the safety of even the most mundane activities. But those are short-term inconveniences. I hope we will always remember the heroism of our first responders and essential workers who kept our society moving, despite the dangers. And we must never forget the pain and suffering of the people who have lost their lives and their families.

The biggest positive has been the opportunity to spend so much time with my family - my wife Jennifer and my adult daughters Amy and Caroline. We've been together for almost four months without interruption, and I'll miss that when the lockdown is over.



Talon Air



Kelly Murphy Kelly Murphy, Emerald Media, USA and Director of Communications Women in Aviation International.

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BlueSky Business Aviation News | 2nd July 2020 | Issue #564



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